engaged // sarah & alec // charlotte, north carolina

a couple of things stuck out to me after getting alec and sarah's questionnaire when they inquired, and then when we met for their engagement session:
+they will have the most beautiful, curly haired babies.
+they both have amazing, gentle-hearted souls (like, literally. sarah held onto one of those gross (sorry sarah) green worms everyone in charlotte hates until we could relocate it to the forest) 
+they love the simplicity of life and embrace it fully.
+they're so, so good together.

i'm so happy to be your photographer, sarah and alec! i love that i got to open your eyes to the salted caramel brownie at amelie's and you've taught me that not every disgusting insect needs to be squashed ;)  i can't wait for your gorgeous, "enchanted forest" wedding next month. you guys are the bee's knees!